Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ask Harry

Dear Harry,

Emulating your most gracious example, I am now surrounded by fawning acolytes of my own. While the accompanying lightening of my workload and validation of my gifts can be gratifying, increasingly I find myself exhausted by their endless requests. How do you handle it?

Depleted in Dallas

Dear Depleted,

Oh heavy lies the crown! Disciples are a stealthy burden indeed. At first, its "Let me go forth and spread the word!" "Let me take up your class load!" "Let me smite the dissenters!"

Next thing you know, its "Sign off on this abortion of a thesis!" "Sign the forward to my e-book!" "Look! I've quoted you out of context for the 300th time!"

Yet, someone must ensure we stay in print long after our time. Keep them near, teach them as you may, and let them love you. But always, always, deny them your vital essence.

Hope that helps!

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