Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Editors are Stupid (and Aquinas is a liar)

Ok, so I'm sitting there at Barnes and Noble, minding my own business over a venti Caramel Machiatto and a half-dozen or so espresso brownies, when some greasy emo twat two tables over starts telling this fat chick all about Nietzsche. None of it's worth repeating, but suffice to say, the German is "totally fucking real." Nauseated by this abortion of public higher education, I became curious to see what sort of nihilistic excrement was populating the Philosophy section, and waddled thusly.

What should first catch my eye in the "A" section? I'll tell you. St. Thomas Aquinas on Politics and Ethics, a Norton "Critical" Edition edited by some frivolous Princetonite called Paul E. Sigmund. Being a rather noted expert on Aquinas, it occurred to me that I might be included in such a "critical" anthology of Aquinas and secondary sources. Indeed, it seems I am. Right there on page 120 (a surprisingly low placement behind a lot of rather mindless twaddle) is a brutally short excerpt from my splendid 1952 book on the "Stupid Ox."

How does the editor introduce a work of brilliance to be reverently beheld by all intelligent men? With the following (in a mere parenthetical, no less):

"Jaffa's book undertakes the not difficult task of showing that Aquinas often departs from Aristotle while claiming merely to be interpreting his thought"(emphasis added).

Not difficult? NOT DIFFICULT! I'll tell you what's not difficult: removing a stinking pile of puerile trash from the shelf, tucking it under a fold, taking it to the Men's Room, tearing it into tiny pieces and flushing it down the toilet. The pieces I didn't use, that is. Thanks for nothing Paul E. Sigmund. May you meet the fiery fate of all who are useless to the regime.

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