Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Sacred Potato Mystery Deepens

In an earlier post, I contemplated the meaning of the Sacred French Fry.

Now we have this, via the Californian:

For the last nine years, students in Darren Thomas' Advanced Placement
history classes at Chaparral High School have been enshrining members into the
American Hall of Fame in the form of Mr. Potato Head.

-small snip-

The 2007 inductees, honored at a ceremony June 6, were Clara Barton and
Frederick Douglas. Their likenesses, created using the popular toy, join Rosa
Parks, Thomas Edison, Earl Warren, Lyndon Johnson, Mark Twain, Jane Addams,
Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, Theodore
Roosevelt, Henry Clay, John Marshall, Abraham Lincoln, Martin
Luther King, Thomas Jefferson, Harriet Tubman and Andrew Carnegie in the Hall of

Well, it's about time Mr. Thomas' class got around to enshrining the great one. I can just see the looks on the faces of the Neoconfederates as they realize Father Abraham has claimed a new conquest, this time on the battlefield of a high school history AP classroom.

Inducted into the Hall of Shame was Sen. Joseph McCarthy. He joins Nathaniel
Forrest, the founder of the Ku Klux Klan, Aaron Burr and Boss Tweed as spuds of

How ya like them taters, Mr. Bradford?

Like the noble potato, prior to picking by free and equal hands, Father Abraham is rooted deep in the soil of America's foundation - low, but sturdy soil.

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